Saturday, July 27, 2013


Friendships are a key component to our lives and help us grow emotionally and mentally. In all its beauty, the dynamic is essentially rooted in a specific concern and care for a friend. Most times it’s a concern and care which might reasonably be understood as a kind of love, though at times a broader set of concerns begin to form and branch out, ultimately blurring the two. With such progression, love and friendship get lumped together as a single topic as you both experience life together bringing some to question, “How do I tell my best friend I’m in love with them?”

            When you’re best friends with someone and begin to feel a great love towards them, it’s not easy to deal with. It’s something that will bring forth a lot of thought and for good reason, as there’s a great inner fear of losing them, being rejected and the possibility of going down a path with unrequited feelings. Traveling from friend to lover is a road riddled with confusion and uncertainty. It’s not easy and though its a gradual process, falling in love with a friend is a big step. Depending on the friendship, it might twist into romantic love or it might even alter if things turn sour and unexpectedly head down an emotional affair.
            One of the hardest steps might be the single one that tears you up inside, where you wonder if you should you tell your friend you love them. Feeling love towards another is like putting words to a sensation felt inside.


Lab....... dub...... .lab...... dub..... lab...... dub..... lab......dub.....lab......dub.... Have you ever been in love? Well I guess, It is a "yes". Almost every human being had experienced that feeling. The feeling when your heart pounds faster everytime you see him or her. The feeling of having butterflies in your stomach whenever you talk to that special someone. The smell of sweet aroma scattered in every particle of the air when he or she is around. And lastly, the feeling of touching the heavens and floating in the clouds everytime you see a smile on his or her face while uttering the words "Love is really in the air."
Love, when being defined by many, is about having a relationship, having an affair. For them, it is a state of romance when even the tiniest cell in you body is being tingled. Well, that is true but love is not made just for affection. Love is beyond physical attraction. It is infinite. It is boundless. It is timeless. It is powerful that when being abuse can make you wounded in the end. Love knows no distance. Love is such a big word and in line with it's broadness, defying love is like limiting it's meaning. Two hundred and fifty words needed in this article is not enough to summarize the word "love". Giving meaning to it is like picking flower in a beautiful garden - to much of it makes it meaningless. Love has no meaning at all it is only been described by others. Love is not being defined but can be felt by everyone. Let the world revolve by love. Together let us sprinkle droplets of love to others so that someday it will grow fruitfully until no more booms of machine guns will be heard but only that 8 letters, those 3 words will be uttered "I Love You".


          Another side of obsession are insecured and sacred to lose someone they loved. They are potentially high in getting jealous and eventually choked you even with little things, they’re getting insecure in someone who wants to cling on you. Though jealousy is one way on how to express your love to your beloved, you should know when to feel it, when to use it, on the right person and a proper manner to keep your jealous reasonable and acceptable. Learn how to trust partner and  confident “ENOUGH” to yourself so your insecurities fade away.

            Love is a working progress that keeps you on learning new things, helping you to understand more in life and when the time comes that love hurts you, it teaches you to be strong to face a new chapter of love that will come along your way. Love is a choice, choosing the kind of love you want to give and the love you want to take. Love can changed you in so many ways, perhaps your style, thoughts, beliefs and even your whole you. According to someone that I used to know she said “YOU’LL NEVER KNOW TILL YOU GET THERE” But one thing I know for sure about love, “LOVE IS PATIET, LOVE IS KIND. IT DOESN’T ENVY, IT DOESN’T VOAST, IT IS NOT RUDE, IT IS NOT SELF-SEEKING IT IS NOT EASILY ANGERED, IT KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS” and that’s the true definition of love from God trough the Bible!

“Totally in love with my best friend’s boyfriend.What should I do?”

The question is not what you should do, but why you have chosen to like a guy who is unavailable. Some girls think that love "just happens" -and if it's with the wrong guy, they can't help it. But the reality is that whether it's conscious or unconscious, we do choose and have control over which guys we fall for and pursue. When we select a guy who is available, we are willing to risk possible heartache for the sake of love. If we're emotionally healthy and the risk doesn't pay off, we know we can always pick ourselves up after the pain and find someone better.
          However, if you choose a guy who's unavailable because he's with someone else, the risks are obviously far greater-you risk hurting yourself, your friend and the guy. So why go there in the first place? Perhaps you envy your friend because she's attached to someone nice, and you have a crush on him because you long for someone special too. Clearly, that's a poor choice.
           The final and saddest reason a girl might choose a guy who's with someone else is to prove her power. Lacking self-esteem, this girl will try to entice a boy to dump another girl for her. This is an uncool situation-the girl will inevitably lose her friend, and how much trust could be involved between her and the guy? Not much. Especially since a guy who's quick to leave someone for you will undoubtedly leave you for someone else in time. Is that the kind of guy you want? Besides, what goes around comes around: Stealing a guy away from your best friend may come back to haunt you when your next best friend steals a guy away from you.
            What you can do is "do" nothing about your crush. Keep your friendship with both of them, pursue a guy you can have something real with and, most importantly, remind yourself you're good enough to get the whole cake, not someone else's crumbs.


               Somehow in some cases romantic love suddenly turned out complicated by adding party to your partner. The additional person called third party and this kind of relationship is “LOVE TRIANGLE”. Triangle cause obviously it consist of three individuals such as; 2 same gender fighting for the love of his/her partner (common cases consist of 2 girls and a man). They were just like sandwiches or burger, two breads or buns sharing for the taste of spread or patty. Usually it occurs when your partner lacking of attention, time or love to some priorities, and you, being impatient and uncontented will look for another that could fit your needs. This person that capable to fulfil you will eventually fell in love with you and that’s the start of love triangle and so the end of romantic love with your partner and certainly the start of complication. Same with torn between the lovers syndrome, you don’t know who you gioing to choose, you don’t know how to weigh who you loves the most so it’s hard for you to decide who’s the right one for you. It reminds me of someone saying that “You can never have both” , cause if you let it pass and pass through the day, you’ll never notice little by little you’re losing both of them until nothing remains on your side. They were movies that best example of a romantic love triangle like “Twilight series ”, “No other woman”, “The Mistress ” and many more. In some cases not just three individuals were involved. Somehow a “Family” can consider as a third party if the family interfere in your partnership as a couple whether on your family side or on his/her side we can considered it as third party and an example of this are “Remeo and Juliet”, “Sakal, Sakali, Saklolo” and “Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo” etc.


           One-sided love is when you love someone who doesn’t loved you back the way you do. It usually happens when you just push yourself to someone you like or love but couldn’t treat you the way you want it to be. With this kind of love, the one’s suffering, so much giving and understanding is the person who loves his/her partner so much to the extent that he/she becomes selfless the common effects of these to his/her partner is to become abusive, selfish and too much confident on their relationship. This type of love will never work no matter how hard you try, cause everybody know that building a better relationship starts with a good partnership, but how come?!? If you’re the only one who works for it. At the end of the day you’ll get tired and get  pity as yourself and you’ll say. “It’s enough, this is too much !” this is similar to a parasite syndrome, the one who gives love is your host and the one who receives is your parasite. The parasite will just suck your love till the last drop of it and you as the host will surely become , weak and dying slowly inside as the time goes by, so this kind of relationship isn’t healthy along the way, a year or two is enough to test if you could learn him/her to love you back, if it’s not enough of wasting time and energy for someone who doesn’t deserve you and don’t know how to appreciate good things coming from you. Letting go is such a hard thing to do but moving on is much harder thing to accept and to apply. It’s a long term process that only you could help yourself. Sometimes you need to do a mistake to get the solution for your problem cause after all, regrets always in the end.


              They say that love is sacrificing, suffering and a lot of understanding. Some people believe that it’s full of magic, sparks and signs. If you ask our professionals they’ll answer you that still your mind controls your emotion and your heart just beat follows, that when you fell in love it was just hormones over. Reacting and produces stimulation going through your nerves circulating all over your body towards to your brain cells telling that you “kinikilig” or so called “in love” all of these were true and full of basis but in the end of it, Love is unpredictable, you never can tell when you’ll be happy or sad, when you’ll be together or alone, when you’ll be uncontended or satisfied but definitely all of these will come on your way when you’re in love. Loving someone or love by others is a feeling everyone wants to have. It’s like riding the in the clouds in heaven or sometimes in some cases it’s like living in hell. We’ll never know what will be the end of the love story we have, but what’s important is we knew how to love and we feel how to be loved.
          There’s a lot of definitions in terms of love as well as components of it and kinds of it. Love built of trust, respect, understanding, honesty, jealousy, time, affection, care, concern etc. and because of the divisions of these components a kind of love has built, such as; platonic love, romantic love, one-sided-love, love triangle, magical love, selfless love and so on and so forth.


All of us has a crush! And who else is none?.. Crush is not only about love it is also admiring someone who has a good attitude maybe it is also about the physical appearance. The word crush has a lot of aspect so let’s see what are those.

What comes to your mind if someone ask you “what is crush?” Some says inspiration, admirer, the person who will completed your day, person that makes you happy when you saw him. Let’s try to explain what this is. Crush is admiring someone that he/she has an attitude that you love or you like. For example I admire my neighbour for being a hardworking person. But the most answer is they are the type of people that when you saw them you “kinikilig”.Mostly the group of friends are like crazy they “hinahampas” “kinukurot” their friends. I will quote something as my experience about this “crush is admiration, sometimes it fades away but mostly it becomes severe” Yes! I thought it was only crush then after how many months I realize that this is more than a crush I don’t know what is the best word for that feeling but I know that is not love. For the circle of friends crushes one of the most interesting topic to discuss because all of them can relate to the topic. Sometimes they laugh, mad, asking them why he/she??and then when they knew their crushes they teasing the person to their cushes and most of the time they become couple. Sometimes it last for a year but mostly last only for how many months. Maybe because they are not serious they just pressured. Sometimes they love to.. they call this as “mantrip”. That relationship was pressured by their friends.

Try to be careful think first.. Sometimes crush could be the reason for being broken hearted and sometimes it affects your studies.


Some says that “barkada” is import but to others it’s destruction in their lives. Now let’s see what are the advantages and disadvantages of this.

For me having circle of friends is important. We know that not all people can open their feelings to their family maybe they are shy to express it, others are broken family and some are afraid because they we’re adopted and that’s the role of your friends to comfort you when you’re in need. Barkada is simply serves as our second family but some they consider friends as their first why because they didn’t felt the love of their true family. Barkada gives you an advice to make you feel better they also there when you’re down and simply support you when you have problems. Barkada is really fun and guess what I also experience happiness with them. They change you, change you to become a better person and change your bad attitudes but take note not all of them are good it depends to the person with whom you will go because each of us have different habits. Some can cause you in trouble others will change you from worst to better or vice versa. But if you chose the right people I’m sure you will be thankful just like me. I’m thankful that I have friends a circle of friends. Their always there for me, treat me as if they are my real family. Sometimes I shared most of my experiences to them rather than to my family because not everything that has happened or will happen your parents can understand. And also I’m not that open with my parents. Another disadvantages of barkada is they force you to do the thing you didn’t want and because you refuses them to get angry you’ll just do it even if it’s wrong!!

So in choosing your circle of friends you must first know their attitude before you come to them.. Think RIGHT and choose what’s BEST for you.


Some people are afraid to show their feelings to someone they love because they don’t want to be hurt when they knew that someone they love has an opposite feelings and they keep it as a secret.

        Secretly in love with someone comes first in crush. You admire him/her for being kind, beautiful, handsome, hardworking and many more. Until it comes a time that you felt happy whenever you saw him. Your sad when you not see him just like your day is not complete without his presence. Affected when you know that he is sad or he has a problem. Feeling jealous when you know that he has a crush with someone else. You missed him every day. Worried if he is sick that you want him to know that you cared for him. But all of these are knew only by yourself. If you felt all of these I think you’re in love! Sometimes it’s hard to pretend that you’re not in love most especially if the person you loved is not your friend.. He is just your neighbor with no communication. Imagine how hard it is. The only thing you can do is to imagine that two of you are friends. Sometimes some people stalk them to know something from him. It’s really hurt that you know on yourself that there are ways to tell to someone your feeling yet your frightened to be a hindrance for it to be done.


Falling in love is a wonderful thing that nearly everyone out there gets to experience at some point. I admit that it is hard to tell when a guy is falling in love with you. They can send such mixed signals! Below, I am going to give you 6 signs he is falling in love with you.

It just goes without saying that when you’re in love, you enjoy spending time with the person you are in love with.Does he decide to spend time with you? Instead of going out with his buddies and  instead of doing one of his favorite hobbies. If so, then watch out...he may just be falling for you!

Guys do not like to "talk things through" when they're upset. Many guys don’t like to talk at all. However, when they find a girl that they enjoy spending time with, they feel as if they could talk for a very long time.

Sure, every guy can get a girl a gift. However, if he gets you gifts AND matches some of my signs, then you may have yourself a keeper. The more special the gifts, the more you mean to him.

If the guy would rather take you out to dinner and a movie every Friday than spend time with his friends clubbing, he may be in love with you. It's even better if he lets you pick the movie and is more than happy to watch whatever you .Needless to say, this is a two way street and sometimes you should go watch his kind of movies as well. It'll make him happier and make him fall in love with you even more.

Cuddle time is the time where the two of you hold one another and talk. You know, share the fondest memories together, talk about your lives, your past, even silly stuff that you can't share with everyone.

Okay, why not cut to the chase and just say “I love you?” Many guys will not tell a girl that they love them if they do not really mean it. If they tell you that they love you and want to be with you for a long time and they match the signs of some of my other tips, then you may have a guy who is actually in love with you!


How do you keep the spice alive? Besides staying in bed a little more, try to romance each other a little more. Think about all the things you use to do when you first started dating, but then you both got too busy, it is now time to take up those things again. Or think up some new hobbies you would both love to experience together. Learning new things can stir up some new passions for the hobby and for each other. Take each other out on dates. Just because you have been together forever, doesn’t mean that you stop liking dates. And it does not have to be expensive either. Go for a walk in the park with a picnic. Or cuddle up together and watch love movies. Give each other more compliments and whisper sweet love phrases into each other’s ears. And don’t forget to really listen to each other. Know that your sad love story can turn into a happy one!

Breakups do happen. We have all experienced sad love stories at one time or another. However, before you breakup, make sure you have tried with all your heart to rekindle that love. Communicate more about making love and making money. And remember, money is not evil, the love of it is. Fight less and love more. Look for the good things in your partner, not the bad. Stay strong and stay in love. Know that your love life may be a sad love story now, but the two of you can have a bright future full of love.


A love story turns into a sad love story, when your heart breaks. Breaking up from someone you love is very difficult for everybody. What causes breakups? Is there any hope left for you two to get back together? What can you do to prevent future breakups? Do you believe in true love? Does it really exist? Read on to find out a few answers to these love aching questions.
When you first fall in love with someone, you think the two of you will be together forever. You know in your heart that you are suppose to be with them. You know that you will have a happy ever after, but then what happens? Your heart breaks as you watch the wonderful relationship get worse and worse. You watch as your love story crumples into a terribly sad love story. What happened?
What cause two people to break up? Two of the main reasons that many people breakup are because of lack of money, and because of lack of love. Money is very important, we all need it to survive. How people view money can lead to the breakup. Money is not evil, but the love of money is evil. Try to be more content with what you have. Changing your view of money is one way to keep the relationship together. Don’t spend more than you have and look for ways to romance each other for free, such as writing short love poems for each other. Who cares if they are cheesy.  The key to staying in love is to discuss how each of you view the future together. Work hard to stay in love and make your love life a love story, not a sad love story.
Your love story can be twisted into a sad love story quickly, if you loose the love. Unfortunately, many people stop loving each other. Now when you are in a marriage for years, people get busy. Kids, work, and life can get in the way of the two of you spending quality love time together. And one person may not want to make love as much as the other person, which causes the other person to feel unloved and neglected. It is very important to communicate once again. Communication is key. Talk to each other about how many times you each think that the two of you should be making love. Talk about it, so you know where the other person is coming from. Talk about it to make sure that you are not neglecting them.


Why do we like to hear about a sad love story? When we go through a breakup we like to read sad love stories or watch sad love movies, because we can relate. They can also help to release our anger and grief. Sad love movies can also help to let us know that we are not alone in our pain. Some of these sad love stories can even have a positive happy ending, which gives us hope. There is hope for the future, finding true love, and living happily ever after.
Why do we watch sad love movies when we are in a perfectly happy relationship though? What entices you about a sad love story? Is it the love? We are want to be loved. Watching love movies give you warm fuzzy emotions. And the sad endings happen in life as well. We all hope they will not happen to us, so it is better to watch it happen to someone else, not us.
Watching a sad love movie or reading a sad love story can also bring out the tears. Crying every once in a while can release the emotions and balance you out. Holding all of your emotions up in a ball is not good. So go and have a good cry, while reading your favorite love story. Do books make you cry? I have cried while reading a good book. Although, I don’t read many sad love stories. I enjoy reading happy romantic STORIES. However, I sometimes enjoy watching a sad love movie. And I have cried in a lot of them. It feels good to let it out sometimes.
Other times we may watch a sad love movie is when we have gone through a breakup. We like to lock ourselves up in our bedroom and watch movie after movie. Why do we pick a sad love story? Why not a happy romantic comedy? Well, sometimes a romantic comedy will make you even more sad, because you don’t have that happy romance anymore. You can relate to the sad love story. And watching the sad love movies can release any anger and tears that you had stored up. Watching a sad love movie can also remind you, that you are not alone. Many people have gone through bad breakups and they turn out all right at the end of the story.


Trust your lover more. Tell your partner how you feel. When you hold things back, they may not trust you and it also means that you do not trust them. If you don’t have trust in a relationship, then it will fail. Open your heart all the way, don’t hold anything back. Don’t be afraid to love, because true love is worth it. If you get hurt, move on and love with all your heart some more. Believe in true love and know that you can have a happily ever after in your very own love story.
Another way to stop breaking up is by giving more compliments and respect. Everybody loves to hear sweet love phrases whispered in the ear. Giving someone a compliment, makes them more happy, which will make you more happy. Try to give your partner one truthful loving compliment everyday. Think about them more, ask them questions about their day, and really listen to them. Don’t make conversations all about you, all of the time. Look for ways to make them happy. Romance them, and wine and dine them more. You could even write some short love poems for them. Go ahead and give it a shot, it is always the thought that counts. Make your own love story last, don‘t make a sad love story.
Believe in true love. Don’t settle for anybody less than the best. No one is perfect, but there is someone perfect for you. Keep searching. Stay positive and happy. Learn from past breakups and move on. Trust more, forgive easily, give out love words, control your emotions, and communicate. Know that you don’t have to live in a sad love story, hold out for your happily ever after.


Are you in your own sad love story? Did you just have a bad breakup? How did it happen? At first you were crazy in love and then bam! What can you do to stop breaking up? Will you ever find the one you are meant to be with forever? True love exists and you will find him or her one day. Stay encouraged and positive that you will have a happy love story. Learn a little more about how you can find your true love.
Learn from the breakup. In order to stop breaking up with people, you need to learn from your mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes, no one is perfect. And that is a good thing! I would not want to live up to someone who is perfect…hehe. Description: :) Look at yourself and how you can improve. I think everybody can always improve themselves. Know that it is a process. Don’t beat yourself up. Love yourself more and love others more. Learn from your mistakes and them move on.

Communications is key to a healthy happy love story. Many people breakup and they don’t know why. It may be, because they didn’t communicate to their partner well. Remember, no one can read minds. Tell you lover how you feel. In relationships talk about where you see yourself in the future. Know the other person’s values. If you don’t share the same values, it can be very difficult to stay together. Make sure that you will have a wonderful love story that will last, not a sad love story.

Many people breakup, because they fight too much. Try to control your emotions and actions more. Yes, it is hard, but you do have self-control. Let your partner win the fight sometimes, just to find the peace. Think before you speak. Most men display their love through their actions, not words. So watch what he does with a loving eye. Try to have a more peaceful loving mind. Think loving happy thoughts, not bad ones.

When you do fight, forgive easily. Yes, you may not want to forgive him. It can be really hard to forgive, but holding in that grudge can damage the relationship. Forgiving your partner can also be good for you. Forgive him easily and be happy. Even if it is his fault, be the better person and forgive him anyway, and then he will probably ask for your forgiveness as well.


Do you believe in a happy ending? Even the idea of a happy ending has its ups and downs. Just because it ended up happily doesnt mean that its no longer a sad love story. Some people are happy when they end up with the one they love but this is not always true. There are circumstances wherein a person would rather want to give up the happiness thats supposed to be felt when being joined to someone they like or love than to get stuck into something they are not even sure about. In other instances, some also end up with the one that they love but they lose them in the end.
There are many situations in every love story. Some are happy at first then ends up as a sad one and others are the other way around. It is normal to feel glad and feel bad when you are in love. This is because once you fall for someone you are also giving that person the right to take care of your heart and your feelings for him or her. But lets take a look at the idea of love a little deeper. Why are people always against a sad love story? Why do they not embrace it as much as when they fall in love? This is a very questionable feeling for most of us because of the fact that when it comes to sad thoughts about our love life, we start to not want to face them. This is something that every person should know about; that love has its advantages and disadvantages just like any other thing that exists in this world. This idea should be accepted and welcomed just as much as we welcome the great feeling given to us by love.
When you learn to accept the good and bad sides about falling in love, you will no longer have to worry about crossing the path of a sad love storys ending. Because in this way, you have accepted the reality and the possibilities of life that will always be lurking around you anytime.