Saturday, July 27, 2013


Are you in your own sad love story? Did you just have a bad breakup? How did it happen? At first you were crazy in love and then bam! What can you do to stop breaking up? Will you ever find the one you are meant to be with forever? True love exists and you will find him or her one day. Stay encouraged and positive that you will have a happy love story. Learn a little more about how you can find your true love.
Learn from the breakup. In order to stop breaking up with people, you need to learn from your mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes, no one is perfect. And that is a good thing! I would not want to live up to someone who is perfect…hehe. Description: :) Look at yourself and how you can improve. I think everybody can always improve themselves. Know that it is a process. Don’t beat yourself up. Love yourself more and love others more. Learn from your mistakes and them move on.

Communications is key to a healthy happy love story. Many people breakup and they don’t know why. It may be, because they didn’t communicate to their partner well. Remember, no one can read minds. Tell you lover how you feel. In relationships talk about where you see yourself in the future. Know the other person’s values. If you don’t share the same values, it can be very difficult to stay together. Make sure that you will have a wonderful love story that will last, not a sad love story.

Many people breakup, because they fight too much. Try to control your emotions and actions more. Yes, it is hard, but you do have self-control. Let your partner win the fight sometimes, just to find the peace. Think before you speak. Most men display their love through their actions, not words. So watch what he does with a loving eye. Try to have a more peaceful loving mind. Think loving happy thoughts, not bad ones.

When you do fight, forgive easily. Yes, you may not want to forgive him. It can be really hard to forgive, but holding in that grudge can damage the relationship. Forgiving your partner can also be good for you. Forgive him easily and be happy. Even if it is his fault, be the better person and forgive him anyway, and then he will probably ask for your forgiveness as well.

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