Saturday, July 27, 2013


Why do we like to hear about a sad love story? When we go through a breakup we like to read sad love stories or watch sad love movies, because we can relate. They can also help to release our anger and grief. Sad love movies can also help to let us know that we are not alone in our pain. Some of these sad love stories can even have a positive happy ending, which gives us hope. There is hope for the future, finding true love, and living happily ever after.
Why do we watch sad love movies when we are in a perfectly happy relationship though? What entices you about a sad love story? Is it the love? We are want to be loved. Watching love movies give you warm fuzzy emotions. And the sad endings happen in life as well. We all hope they will not happen to us, so it is better to watch it happen to someone else, not us.
Watching a sad love movie or reading a sad love story can also bring out the tears. Crying every once in a while can release the emotions and balance you out. Holding all of your emotions up in a ball is not good. So go and have a good cry, while reading your favorite love story. Do books make you cry? I have cried while reading a good book. Although, I don’t read many sad love stories. I enjoy reading happy romantic STORIES. However, I sometimes enjoy watching a sad love movie. And I have cried in a lot of them. It feels good to let it out sometimes.
Other times we may watch a sad love movie is when we have gone through a breakup. We like to lock ourselves up in our bedroom and watch movie after movie. Why do we pick a sad love story? Why not a happy romantic comedy? Well, sometimes a romantic comedy will make you even more sad, because you don’t have that happy romance anymore. You can relate to the sad love story. And watching the sad love movies can release any anger and tears that you had stored up. Watching a sad love movie can also remind you, that you are not alone. Many people have gone through bad breakups and they turn out all right at the end of the story.

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