Saturday, July 27, 2013


          Another side of obsession are insecured and sacred to lose someone they loved. They are potentially high in getting jealous and eventually choked you even with little things, they’re getting insecure in someone who wants to cling on you. Though jealousy is one way on how to express your love to your beloved, you should know when to feel it, when to use it, on the right person and a proper manner to keep your jealous reasonable and acceptable. Learn how to trust partner and  confident “ENOUGH” to yourself so your insecurities fade away.

            Love is a working progress that keeps you on learning new things, helping you to understand more in life and when the time comes that love hurts you, it teaches you to be strong to face a new chapter of love that will come along your way. Love is a choice, choosing the kind of love you want to give and the love you want to take. Love can changed you in so many ways, perhaps your style, thoughts, beliefs and even your whole you. According to someone that I used to know she said “YOU’LL NEVER KNOW TILL YOU GET THERE” But one thing I know for sure about love, “LOVE IS PATIET, LOVE IS KIND. IT DOESN’T ENVY, IT DOESN’T VOAST, IT IS NOT RUDE, IT IS NOT SELF-SEEKING IT IS NOT EASILY ANGERED, IT KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS” and that’s the true definition of love from God trough the Bible!

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