Saturday, July 27, 2013


Friendships are a key component to our lives and help us grow emotionally and mentally. In all its beauty, the dynamic is essentially rooted in a specific concern and care for a friend. Most times it’s a concern and care which might reasonably be understood as a kind of love, though at times a broader set of concerns begin to form and branch out, ultimately blurring the two. With such progression, love and friendship get lumped together as a single topic as you both experience life together bringing some to question, “How do I tell my best friend I’m in love with them?”

            When you’re best friends with someone and begin to feel a great love towards them, it’s not easy to deal with. It’s something that will bring forth a lot of thought and for good reason, as there’s a great inner fear of losing them, being rejected and the possibility of going down a path with unrequited feelings. Traveling from friend to lover is a road riddled with confusion and uncertainty. It’s not easy and though its a gradual process, falling in love with a friend is a big step. Depending on the friendship, it might twist into romantic love or it might even alter if things turn sour and unexpectedly head down an emotional affair.
            One of the hardest steps might be the single one that tears you up inside, where you wonder if you should you tell your friend you love them. Feeling love towards another is like putting words to a sensation felt inside.

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