Saturday, July 27, 2013


How do you keep the spice alive? Besides staying in bed a little more, try to romance each other a little more. Think about all the things you use to do when you first started dating, but then you both got too busy, it is now time to take up those things again. Or think up some new hobbies you would both love to experience together. Learning new things can stir up some new passions for the hobby and for each other. Take each other out on dates. Just because you have been together forever, doesn’t mean that you stop liking dates. And it does not have to be expensive either. Go for a walk in the park with a picnic. Or cuddle up together and watch love movies. Give each other more compliments and whisper sweet love phrases into each other’s ears. And don’t forget to really listen to each other. Know that your sad love story can turn into a happy one!

Breakups do happen. We have all experienced sad love stories at one time or another. However, before you breakup, make sure you have tried with all your heart to rekindle that love. Communicate more about making love and making money. And remember, money is not evil, the love of it is. Fight less and love more. Look for the good things in your partner, not the bad. Stay strong and stay in love. Know that your love life may be a sad love story now, but the two of you can have a bright future full of love.

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